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At this point, we believe the best course of action is to contact our Michigan Federal Officials to include both US Senators and our two US Congressional Representatives. We also believe members of the Presidents’ cabinet may be helpful, namely former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm (Secretary of Energy) and Pete Buttigieg (Secretary of Transportation) who recently relocated to the Traverse City area.


At the State level, a letter to the Governor is appropriate. Our two State Representatives, Bill G. Schuette and Mike Hoadly, along with Senator Roger Hauck are very supportive of efforts to seek funding to rebuild. They have submitted legislation to offer assessment deferment to low-income seniors and/or disabled with homestead properties. There is a page where you can learn more and write letters of support.


CLICK HERE FOR A LIST OF KEY PEOPLE AND SUGGESTED POINTS FOR YOUR EMAIL or LETTER. You can draft your own letter or use one of these - - - while we see on media the approach toward a politician with a negative rant, we suggest a persuasive positive message seeking help will be more impactful. The important thing is for your voice to be heard.


Senator Stabenow                           Print Friendly Version                                  Download Word Version


Senator Peters                                    Print Friendly Version                                  Download Word Version


Congressman Moolenaar           Print Friendly Version                                  Download Word Version


Congressman Kildee                     Print Friendly Version                                   Download Word Version 


Secretary Granholm                      Print Friendly Version                                   Download Word Version


Secretary Buttigieg                       Print Friendly Version                                    Download Word Version


Governor Whitmer                        Print Friendly Version                                    Download Word Version


State Senator Hauck                     Print Friendly Version                                     Download Word Version


State Rep Hoadley                         Print Friendly Version                                      Download Word Version


State Rep Schuette                        Print Friendly Version                                      Download Word Version


For all your communications, please start with the subject line: "RESTORE THE MID-MICHIGAN LAKES"


How to Deliver your Message:

The most efficient and timely manner to communicate with your representatives is through their official web portals when available. However, you may also email, send a letter through the US Mail, or make a phone call to their office.


NOTE: The use of Artificial Intelligence or other means of auto generated electronic communication may be tracked by the IP Address and discarded as “junk mail.”

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